What Everyone Should Know About Backyard Events

Finding the perfect venue isn’t always as easy as it seems, and a lot of factors come into play. Do they have my date available? Is it the right size? Is the location ideal and easy to get to? Can I use my own vendors? Have people I know already had celebrations there? While there can be many moving parts, and a bit more work for you and/or your event planner, having a backyard event may be the answer to all of your prayers for the perfect venue.

The rough stuff: I know, you wanted me to say having a backyard event would be easy and cost effective, but unfortunately that’s not always the case. A lot of work and planning goes into having a backyard event, since you’re basically starting from scratch. Before even considering a tent, you need to determine the size of the tent and the location. Sure your yard may be ginormous, but is it flat? Are there low hanging trees? What about all the fun stuff that lies beneath your lawn, like water lines and electricity? Of course other factors come into play like a caterer, security, valet, and bathrooms. All of this responsibility could (and in my opinion should) fall into the lap of a full service production company, such as NYFF, since we know everything that needs to be taken into consideration and the precautions required to perfect a backyard job. But after factoring together costs of what you will need, and then hiring a company to orchestrate the entire event production, you will realize a truth I cannot stress enough; backyard events are not always cheaper than venues. But there sure are a lot of benefits that come with it.

The beauty of it all: So it’s possible I may have just rained on your parade backyard bash with all the not-so-glamorous details that go along with having an at-home event. But there really are so many reasons that you should consider. For starters, it is insanelyconvenient. In the day-of hustle that exists, you won’t need to worry about traffic or forgetting something at home, or getting to the venue by a certain time in hopes to prep early. You just walk out of your backdoor and vou la, you’re there! And after the event that whole schlepping everything into your car, arranging to come back Monday morning for the rest 'nonsense', does not exist! You also don’t have to worry about trying to fit your guest count in an already established room. As long as you have the space, you can make your tent as large or as small as YOU need, without being forced to remove that list of “maybe” invites because you worry about exceeding capacity. Or even worse, inviting friends of friends and the barista that makes your coffee every morning because you promised to hit a number you don’t have. Backyard events are also perfect for those looking to throw a unique event. Venue comparing always happens. A guest gets an invitation in the mail, sees the venue, and immediately has an opinion based on what they may have heard or experienced. You can remove the chance of competing w close friends for the same venue and eliminate that worry of with a one-of-a kind backyard event.

So yes, it may seem tricky and tedious and there are a million moving parts, but investing in a company to take care of the logistics and provisions that are inevitable, truly makes it all worth it. Specifically NYFF, just kidding…but not really ; )

Eventfully Yours,



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